ctf reverse pwn cryptography stego


Capture the Flag (CTF) are cybersecurity competitions where participants hunt for flags (pieces of text like flag{h3l1o_tH3Re}) hidden inside vulnerable executables, applications, files, and whatnot. These competitions are usually held in one of two formats. The most common format is jeopardy, where each challenge is contained in a separate box and has a number of points attached.

Thumbnail for From Compression to Compromise: Unmasking Zip File Threats
Thumbnail for From Compression to Compromise: Unmasking Zip File Threats

From Compression to Compromise: Unmasking Zip File Threats

Deep dive into zip file attacks and mitigations (with examples!).

Thumbnail for HKCERT CTF 2023 – Decompetition: Vitamin C++
Thumbnail for HKCERT CTF 2023 – Decompetition: Vitamin C++

HKCERT CTF 2023 – Decompetition: Vitamin C++

A beginner-friendly writeup to reverse-engineering C++. Years of complex shenanigans condensed!

Thumbnail for N[Subtype Metaprogramming] is N[Mostly Harmless]
Thumbnail for N[Subtype Metaprogramming] is N[Mostly Harmless]

N[Subtype Metaprogramming] is N[Mostly Harmless]

Inheritance go brrrrrrrr... abusing turing-complete typesystems to write fun programs in Python.

Thumbnail for HITCON 2023 – The Blade
Thumbnail for HITCON 2023 – The Blade

HITCON 2023 – The Blade

Beginner-friendly writeup for a nifty Rust reversing challenge.

Thumbnail for GDB/GEF Cheatsheet
Thumbnail for GDB/GEF Cheatsheet

GDB/GEF Cheatsheet

Quick command reference on one of the most powerful tools for dynamic analysis.

Thumbnail for DUCTF 2023 – Wrong Signal
Thumbnail for DUCTF 2023 – Wrong Signal

DUCTF 2023 – Wrong Signal

You straight to oops(). Right away.

Thumbnail for The HKUST Firebird CTF Team
Thumbnail for The HKUST Firebird CTF Team

The HKUST Firebird CTF Team

Experiences and reflections journeying with the HKUST Firebird CTF Team.

Thumbnail for HKCERT CTF 2022 – C++harming Website
Thumbnail for HKCERT CTF 2022 – C++harming Website

HKCERT CTF 2022 – C++harming Website

A harming website? Hope it doesn't harm my sleep!

Thumbnail for HKCERT CTF 2022 – Base64 Encryption
Thumbnail for HKCERT CTF 2022 – Base64 Encryption

HKCERT CTF 2022 – Base64 Encryption

Frequency analysis with a touch of heuristics.

Thumbnail for DownUnderCTF 2022 – ezpz-rev
Thumbnail for DownUnderCTF 2022 – ezpz-rev

DownUnderCTF 2022 – ezpz-rev

Grid puzzles aren't that easy.

Thumbnail for TAMUctf 2022 – CTF Sim
Thumbnail for TAMUctf 2022 – CTF Sim

TAMUctf 2022 – CTF Sim

Oops, your vpointer was redirected.

Thumbnail for TAMUctf 2022 – Labyrinth
Thumbnail for TAMUctf 2022 – Labyrinth

TAMUctf 2022 – Labyrinth

Using CFGs to solve a control-flow maze.