music composition synths piano song strings


A general tag for all music-related stuff. For a tag of my compositions, see compositions.

Every morning will soon turn into evening,
And springtime will soon turn into fall.
Every memory must fade, like a passing parade,
And youth become a time you just recall.

But the good times together seem so magical,
Like music that lasts your whole life through.
When it's ended, it never really dies away,
'Cause the music's always there with you...

The Music's Always There With You (John Rutter)

Thumbnail for Overflow
Thumbnail for Overflow


A children's worship song on overflowing with Fruits of the Spirit.

Thumbnail for Digital Audio Synthesis for Dummies: Part 3
Thumbnail for Digital Audio Synthesis for Dummies: Part 3

Digital Audio Synthesis for Dummies: Part 3

Efficiently streaming audio to speakers on embedded systems (with examples in STM32).

Thumbnail for Déjà Vu – Cycle of Power
Thumbnail for Déjà Vu – Cycle of Power

Déjà Vu – Cycle of Power

The first variation in a series exploring repetition and meaning in life.

Thumbnail for Digital Audio Synthesis for Dummies: Part 2
Thumbnail for Digital Audio Synthesis for Dummies: Part 2

Digital Audio Synthesis for Dummies: Part 2

Generating audio signals for great good through additive synthesis and wavetable synthesis.

Thumbnail for STM32 MIDI Keyboard
Thumbnail for STM32 MIDI Keyboard

STM32 MIDI Keyboard

Boing boing plunk plunk. Constructing a MIDI keyboard from scratch.

Thumbnail for MuseScore Navigation Plugins
Thumbnail for MuseScore Navigation Plugins

MuseScore Navigation Plugins

Developing plugins to enhance the music editors' quality of life.

Thumbnail for Joyride in D
Thumbnail for Joyride in D

Joyride in D

Jetpack Joyride but without a jetpack, and in D.

Thumbnail for Morning Rush
Thumbnail for Morning Rush

Morning Rush

"Quickly! School starts in 15 minutes and you still haven't changed out of your pajamas!"

Thumbnail for The Breath of Life
Thumbnail for The Breath of Life

The Breath of Life

Humans are complicated individuals even though we all start from two cells.