Delay and Interactive Pause in Multi-Threaded Python

It's like musical chairs for threads (except no one gets left behind)!

Delay and Interactive Pause in Multi-Threaded Python

Scanning the internet is not trivial, but Python excels at such network I/O tasks thanks to its simplicity and its vast ecosystem of libraries. Still, when dealing with the internet, it’s not uncommon to encounter rate-limited endpoints and strongly firewalled sites. For penetration testing and red-teaming, opsec is also an important consideration. This means features such as delay and interactive pause are crucial — I'd even say desirable — to ensuring success and low false positives.

  • Delay (or throttling) allows us to rate-limit requests fired below the 1-thread threshold.
  • Interactive Pause allows the user to adapt to changing circumstances. These include situations such as sudden network congestion leading to increased response time, WAFs kicking in due to excessive requests, local network failures, and sudden drops in bandwidth.1

In this post, I’ll be sharing how delay and interactive pause can be added to multithreaded Python scripts to enhance flexibility without compromising functionality.

Our objective is to pause the script when the user hits Ctrl+C, enter an interactive menu, then resume when “c” or “continue” is entered. We'll accomplish this with Python's pre-packaged threading.Event and signal libraries. (No additional dependencies!)

Diagram of UI flow when pausing and resuming.

Note: the first "Running" box extends slightly to the right, because threads may still be working even after Ctrl+C is hit. For instance, waiting for a response from an HTTP server.

A Tale of Two Scripts

To best demonstrate the addition of our desired features, I'll be presenting two scripts, a "before" and "after". I'll then highlight and explain the changes.

  1. The "before" is a very basic multithreading script. No delay and pause.
  2. The "after" is a robust working example of multithreading with delay and pause.

I’ll be demonstrating with Python threads via concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor. Python offers two other concurrency primitives: processes (multiprocessing / ProcessPoolExecutor) and green threads (asyncio). We won't discuss those today, but the gist is similar!

Basic Script

A simple script. The user has barely any control over the execution flow aside from parameters. Sufficient for straightforward scripts though.

import concurrent.futures
from time import sleep

def thread_do_stuff():

def thread_function(i):
    print(f"[thread] task started {i}")
    thread_do_stuff() # Simulate an IO task, e.g. requests.get().

def main():
    # Start an executor with 2 threads and 10 tasks.
    with concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=2) as executor:
        not_done = []
        for i in range(10):
            f = executor.submit(thread_function, i)
        while True:
            # Process results while waiting.
            done, not_done = concurrent.futures.wait(not_done, timeout=0.1)
            for future in done:
                # Handle thread result.
                except Exception as e:
            if len(not_done) == 0:
                print('[main] Finished all tasks!')

if __name__ == '__main__':

Fancy Script

Similar to the previous script, but includes a small delay between tasks and two interactive pauses. The first pause occurs while the worker threads are running event.wait(), instantly responding with "Interrupt detected". The second pause occurs while they are working (which we assume is some blocking operation, like requests.get()), and the interrupt won't be detected until the next task.

 import concurrent.futures
+import signal
+from threading import Event
 from time import sleep
+# Create global events which will be used across main and worker threads.
+pause_evt = Event()
+resume_evt = Event()
+quit_evt = Event()
+# quit_evt can be a global bool variable too, since single write, multiple read
+# is thread-safe.
+# Handle incoming Ctrl+C with `signal`.
+def handle_int_signal(signo, _frame):
+    resume_evt.clear()
+    pause_evt.set()
+# Save the original signal so that we can restore it later.
+py_int_signal = signal.getsignal(signal.SIGINT)
+signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, handle_int_signal)
+def enable_py_signal():
+    signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, py_int_signal)
+def enable_custom_signal():
+    signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, handle_int_signal)
+# Create a custom "sleep" function which uses events under the hood.
+def thread_delay(sec):
+    if pause_evt.wait(sec):
+        print('[thread] Interrupt detected, waiting for resume.')
+        resume_evt.wait() # Block until resume is triggered.
+        if quit_evt.is_set(): # Indicate quit preference with a flag.
+            print('[thread] Resumed, but still interrupted. Exiting thread.')
+            raise RuntimeError('interrupt')
+        else:
+            print('[thread] Resuming...')
 def thread_do_stuff():
 def thread_function(i):
+    print(f"[thread] task waiting {i}")
+    thread_delay(1) # Delay between tasks using threading.Event.
     print(f"[thread] task started {i}")
     thread_do_stuff() # Simulate an IO task, e.g. requests.get().
+# A simple interactive menu to display during the paused state!
+# Return True -> continue program. Return False -> quit.
+def main_pause_menu():
+    while 1:
+        try:
+            x = input('Do you want to continue? [y/n] ').lower()
+        except (KeyboardInterrupt, EOFError) as e:
+            # Treat Ctrl+C and Ctrl+D as "no".
+            print(f'Got {e.__class__.__name__}. Quitting...')
+            return False
+        if x == 'y':
+            return True
+        elif x == 'n':
+            return False
 def main():
     # Start an executor with 2 threads and 8 tasks.
     with concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=2) as executor:
         not_done = []
         for i in range(8):
             f = executor.submit(thread_function, i)
         while True:
+            enable_custom_signal()
+            while not pause_evt.is_set():
+                # Process results while waiting. The processing shouldn't take
+                # too long in order for the pause menu to show responsively
+                # after Ctrl+C is hit.
                 done, not_done = concurrent.futures.wait(not_done, timeout=0.1)
                 for future in done:
                     # Handle thread result.
                     except Exception as e:
                 if len(not_done) == 0:
                     print('[main] Finished all tasks!')
+            print('[main] Triggered interrupt.')
+            enable_py_signal()
+            # Handle pause menu/input.
+            cont = main_pause_menu()
+            if cont:
+                # Continue jobs.
+                quit_evt.clear()
+            else:
+                # Cancel pending jobs.
+                print('[main] Shutting down...')
+                executor.shutdown(wait=False, cancel_futures=True)
+                quit_evt.set()
+                print('[main] Finished shutdown.')
+            pause_evt.clear()
+            resume_evt.set() # Signal remaining threads to resume (and possibly quit).
+            if not cont:
+                break
 if __name__ == '__main__':

The Magic

So what voodoo did we add into the second script? It all comes down to threading.Event, signals, and some extra flair.


Event is a Python class from the threading library. As the Python documentation puts it:

This is one of the simplest mechanisms for communication between threads: one thread signals an event and other threads wait for it. An event object manages an internal flag that can be set to true with the set() method and reset to false with the clear() method. The wait() method blocks until the flag is true.

This is what we call a binary semaphore. It’s binary because it represents two states (set or not set). It’s a semaphore because it’s a thread-safe signalling mechanism. (In the past, semaphores were visual cues used to communicate over a distance.)

To demonstrate why they're so useful consider the following toy functions:

import time, threading

def foo():
    print('done: foo')

event = threading.Event()
def bar():
    print('done: bar')

What's the difference?

Blocks for a duration.Blocks for a duration, but returns instantly when signalled with event.set(). If no parameter is passed, waits indefinitely.

For simple delays, time.sleep is good enough. But when responsiveness and multithreaded synchronisation are needed, Event becomes much more appealing. If we add some code to the second example, it's clear that event.wait is a superior sleep-like function, simply because we can control when that sleep finishes, across multiple threads.2

time.sleep(1) # do something...
event.set()   # 'done: bar' printed instantly after

Back to our "after" script. You'll notice we used not one, not two, but three events. In the thread, we introduce a new kind of sleep function: thread_delay.

pause_evt = Event()
resume_evt = Event()
quit_evt = Event()

# -- snip -- 

def thread_delay(sec):
    if pause_evt.wait(sec):
        print('[thread] Interrupt detected, waiting for resume.')
        if quit_evt.is_set():
            print('[thread] Resumed, but still interrupted. Exiting thread.')
            raise RuntimeError('interrupt')
            print('[thread] Resuming...')
  • pause_evt - This is the event responsible for sleeping. If pause_evt is set when pause_evt.wait(sec) is running, it will return True and enter the "paused state". Otherwise, .wait(sec) eventually times out and returns False.
  • resume_evt - Since we want our threads to stop running completely during interactive pause, we need to block and wait for another signal. Thus, a second event. Notice resume_evt.wait() doesn't take a parameter, so it waits indefinitely.
  • quit_evt - This is an additional feature I added to allow gracefully exiting the thread. The "protocol" I came up with is:
    • If resume_evt is set and quit_evt is set → quit the program by throwing an error to exit the thread.
    • If resume_evt is set and quit_evt is cleared → continue running.
    • This doesn't need to be an event. It could just as well be a variable, since single writes and multiple reads are thread-safe.

Let's now take a look at the modified code in main().

while True:
    # ...
    while not pause_evt.is_set():
        ... # handle results...
    # -- snip --
    # Handle pause menu/input.
    cont = main_pause_menu()
    if cont: # Continue
    else: # Quit
        print('[main] Shutting down...')
        executor.shutdown(wait=False, cancel_futures=True)
        print('[main] Finished shutdown.')
    resume_evt.set() # Signal remaining threads to resume (and possibly quit).
    if not cont:

The logic here is somewhat simple:

  • If pause_evt is not set, handle finished results.
  • If pause_evt is set, enter the pause menu.
  • User inputs whether to continue or quit.
  • The rest of the code fulfils the "protocol" outlined earlier.
    • To continue: clear quit_evt.
    • To quit: set quit_evt. (Plus cancel pending jobs.)
    • Then set resume_evt to signal worker threads to venture forth!

Handling Ctrl+C with signal

By default, when Python receives Ctrl+C, a callback runs which raises KeyboardInterrupt. In major operating systems, Ctrl+C sends a SIGINT (i.e. signal interrupt) to programs.

To customise Ctrl+C behaviour, we can set a callback with signal.signal. In our case, our customisation will pause threads by calling pause_evt.set(). We'll save the original signal so that we can restore normal Ctrl+C behaviour when threads are paused or finished.

# Set custom handler...
def handle_int_signal(signo, _frame):

py_int_signal = signal.getsignal(signal.SIGINT)
signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, handle_int_signal)

def enable_py_signal():
    signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, py_int_signal)

def enable_custom_signal():
    signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, handle_int_signal)

In main(), we wrap our result-handling code with enable_custom_signal() and enable_py_signal():

# When running threads...
while True:
    # -- snip -- Wait for Ctrl+C signal to pause threads...
    # -- snip -- Show pause menu + handle events...

Truth be told, I couldn't figure out how to get arbitrary keystrokes in an event.wait-esque manner (i.e. with a timeout). The easiest solution was to just use Ctrl+C. A bit limited, but I'm happy with it.

Write a Pause Menu

If you learned programming before generative AI replaced tutorials, diligence, and self-worth, chances are your first program was a simple interactive I/O. Read input; spit it back out. Our simple menu will go back to those nostalgic first days of programming.

# A simple interactive menu to display during the paused state!
# Return True -> continue program. Return False -> quit.
def main_pause_menu():
    while 1:
            x = input('Do you want to build a snowman? [y/n] ').lower()
        except (KeyboardInterrupt, EOFError) as e:
            # Treat Ctrl+C and Ctrl+D as "no".
            print(f'Got {e.__class__.__name__}. You don\'t have to be thaat rude. :(')
            return False
        if x == 'y':
            return True
        elif x == 'n':
            print('Okay, byeeeee.')
            return False


To show off this potential in an interactive tool, here's a short clip where I integrated the techniques here into my nifty little SQL injection automation (for ethical hacking purposes).

On the left panel, we seamlessly execute various commands, pausing twice with Ctrl+C, with the option of configuring the delay, timeout, and log level. An updated version allows toggling the proxy!

This post demonstrated how to add interactive pausing to your multithreaded Python script with zero additional dependencies. Despite the simplicity, there are a few other things to explore that we haven't discussed:

  • Pausing with processes or asyncio. Each of these has their own Event objects. Processes have multiprocessing.Event. asyncio has asyncio.Event. These are also worth exploring.
  • Trigger pause with an arbitrary key. Instead of relying on Ctrl+C and SIGINT, is it possible to listen for arbitrary keys and pause with them? This seems difficult to implement without additional dependencies and may require native API wrangling (see the keyboard package).
    • It is possible to capture input on a separate thread with getch implementations (see here). This blocks while waiting for input. However, issues arise when considering other UX aspects.
    • What if the user presses Ctrl+C? SIGINT (and signals, in general) are always executed in the main thread.
    • What if the processing finishes without the user entering input? The thread receiving input would need to be killed.
  • Off-by-One Delay. Currently, our execution is delayworkdelaywork, but the first delay isn't actually needed. This should be fairly trivial to fix, but I decided to leave it out from the example to avoid overcomplication. Exercise for the reader and all that.


  • Use threading.Event to synchronise events (e.g. pause) and sleep.
    • Use three events: one to signal pause, one to signal resume, and one to indicate resume or quit.
    • Write a delay() function which calls pause_event.wait(SLEEP_SEC).
  • Use signal.signal to customise Ctrl+C (which triggers SIGINT). The handler should call pause_event.set().
  • Adjust the environment before and after the pause menu, such as temporarily restoring Python's SIGINT handler.



Appendix A: Bonus - rich.progress

If you're using rich.progress to liven up your UI, you may find the live progress bar conflicts with our custom pause menu. To disable the live progress, you can manually adjust the class members before entering the pause menu in main():

+# Disable live progress.
+# prog is an instance of rich.progress.Progress.
+prog.update(prog.task_ids[0], visible=False, refresh=True)
+prog.disable = True = False
+is_interactive = = False
 cont = main_pause_menu()
 # -- snip --
+# Re-enable live progress... = is_interactive = True
+prog.disable = False
+prog.update(prog.task_ids[0], visible=True, refresh=True)
 if cont:

This is very hacky, because the properties aren't documented and could potentially change, but it works pretty well.

Appendix B: Handling Future Results

AFAIK, there are three main ways of handling future results from concurrent.futures. Keep in mind some approaches may be better for your script.

  1. concurrent.futures.wait. Polls and partitions an iterable of futures into done and not_done sets. Does not block main thread when timeout is specified. Result handling runs in main thread.

    For the "other stuff" to run responsively, the timeout parameter in concurrent.futures.wait() should be relatively small, and the result handling shouldn't take too long.

    with concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=2) as executor:
        not_done = []
        for i in range(10):
            f = executor.submit(thread_function, i)
        while True:
            # Process results while waiting.
            done, not_done = concurrent.futures.wait(not_done, timeout=0.5)
            for future in done:
                # Handle thread result.
                except Exception as e:
            if len(not_done) == 0:
                print('[main] Finished all tasks!')
            # Do other stuff...
  2. concurrent.futures.as_completed. This returns an iterable of completed futures. Blocks main thread. Result handling runs in main thread.

    This is not a reliable way to integrate with the flow demonstrated in this post.

    with concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=2) as executor:
        futures = []
        for i in range(8):
            f = executor.submit(thread_function, i)
        for f in concurrent.futures.as_completed(futures):
            except Exception as e:
            # Do other stuff? Not necessarily consistent or responsive though.
  3. future.add_done_callback(). This fires a callback upon completion of each future. Does not block main thread. Result handling may not run in main thread.

    Probably the "cleanest" way to integrate with the flow demonstrated in this post, unless you handle future.result() in a non-thread-safe manner, in which case... beware race conditions.

    def callback(f):
        except Exception as e:
    with concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=2) as executor:
        futures = []
        for i in range(8):
            f = executor.submit(thread_function, i)
        # Results get handled in the background!
        # Do other stuff...

  1. feroxbuster, a popular pentesting tool, has interactive pause for runtime addition of filters and pruning of exploration paths. Quite useful for reducing false positives and saving time! ↩︎

  2. Of course, it's possible to do the same with time.sleep by breaking the sleep into smaller pieces and looping. In fact, Python 2's implementation of event.wait() was exactly like that — a while loop calling time.sleep with tiny intervals. This turned out to be inefficient (by acquiring the GIL repeatedly) and caused a few bugs. In Python 3, event.wait() is properly implemented in C with interrupts! Check out this SO answer for more gory details. ↩︎

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